The group T-Vice and their New Music Album - "Resan"

We have been waiting for a while for this album from the group T-Vice. Finally it is here with us. Here is your opportunity to listen to some of the most popular songs from the album so far.


List of the latest songs from T-Vice

Already, the critics have not been quiet.
I heard many of the songs that you are able to hear now from the album and I think the group deserves some encouragement for the efforts. There are some substance in the quality of the product just delivered.

T-Vice - Resan

More songs from T-Vice

The song "Resan" of T-Vice is quite a Hit to some people. Some of T-Vice fans are very appreciative of this song. They said that it is part of the recent Groove of the band.

This was not felt by everyone, however. For one reason or another, man people think that the song "Resan" has nothing new, or recent in it. Jose who is a Music Kompa Lover said that the
tempo was not original and was borrowed.

We would like for you to give us your opinion after listening to some of the songs on this album from T-Vice.

T-Vice "Fe Je'm Plezi" (Mwen Tonbe) song Preview

Do you think they are progressing or regressing based on the release of this album?

Has there been any improvement from the last album?

Watch some of the best from T-Vice

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Read more: T-Vice, Haitian Kompa, T-Vice Music Video, Newsletter

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