Haitian Kompa - Haiti Music Video

Haitian Kompa, Haiti Music Video. Read the following articles about Haitian Kompa


The group T-Vice and their New Music Album - "Resan"

We have been waiting for a while for this album from the group T-Vice. Finally it is here with us. Here is your opportunity to listen to some of the most popular songs from the album so far.

List of the latest songs from T-Vice

Already, the critics have not been quiet.
I heard many of the songs that you are able to hear now from the album and I think the group deserves some encouragement for the efforts. There are some substance in the quality of the product just delivered.

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Kompa, A Haiti Music Genre and Dance

Kompa is a genre of music and a dance whose origin is from Haiti. It is usually written differently; compa or Konpa. The music has beats with tempo that is often rated as medium to fast. This kind of music genre is complex as it changes from time to time. It first came to be from a blending of European ballroom dancing and the Haiti culture.

This specific music genre arose in the early 20th century as a result of other genres like salsa and calypso among many others. The style referred to as Kompa direct was invented by a group of famous artists, however with its increasing fame it changed to the Zouk. Unfortunately the group split up and one of them improvised the above mentioned style once again. The two genres can be confused; however the Zouk has a slower tempo than the latter.

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