Brothers posse an awesome band in Haiti

Today 'Brothers Posse' is the most popular band of Haitian pop music. This band is popular due to their ranging from roots to rock and reggae with the help of their musical equipments. It has created its popularity to all classes of people in Haiti. This band 'Brother Posse' was established in July 1994 by the four members of this band who are friends from a long time before. In this band all members are identical in their own way. For this reason they can easily create any types of songs rape, rock, reggae etc.


Bobby Star likes to sing slow reggae where Easy one likes to sing rape song. Don Kato also prefers reggae where Top Richie prefers to dance in stage. For the different characteristics of the members this band is now popular in international pop music competition. Actually brother posse is the first band which helps the young people to feel the music of world class. The music's of this band express the various life styles such as non violence, love and peace. Their music also evokes their usual routine and incident.

Now the Brothers Posse has a collection of about 30 pieces. The first album was released in 1998 which name was Lwijanboje and the second was Revolisyon RRR which was released in 2004. They have partaken in a number of international festivals. Among all of them the "Ayiti Cheri" festival in Paris, 2004, was memorable where they played with the French band "Sergent Garcia" which was a great experience for their band.

Besides pop music, "Brothers Posse" was actively involved in the campaign in Haiti led by the National Commission for Disarmament, Dismantling and Rehabilitation, established officially in September 2006 in order to create a climate of trust and dialogue among all the sectors of the society for the awareness of disarmament. Now they are preparing their third albums to share love and peace with the people of Haiti.

Brothers posse Music Video

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