The Music of Disip De Gazzman Couleur

The DISIP is a Miami based Konpa band founded by veteran musicians Gazzman Couleur & Gabriel Laporte. Gazzman Couleur is better known by his stage name Gasman Pierre. Before joining his music career as a Konpa vocalist, he was an actor, businessman and a soccer superstar. He had dreams to participate in the major soccer leagues but unfortunately, a knee injury shattered his dreams, however, fortunately for Konpa, he entered the Haitian music scene. His entry as a lead vocal singer was an instant success. He got the oportunity to take part in many Konpa bands such as, Yeabah, D-Zine, Zenglen Plus, and Nu Look and whether it is for his charisma or voice, Disip De Gazzman Couleur has the capacity to attract thousands of fans.


Watch DISIP De Gazzman Couleur - Leader Music Video

Gazzman Couleur also entered the Haitian film industry and acted in ''Meet My Cousin''. The other founder, Gabriel Laporte is a man of many hats-- although he has first love with his guitar, he is a good studio engineer, producer, lyricist, singer, pianist, guitarist, bassist and an athlete. He strives to excel in all of his activities. He is a member of some of the most distinguished Konpa bands such as Fuzion, Kazak Experience, Nu Star, Nu Look, Zinpie, Zenglen, Zenglen Plus, Zel, 5 Etwal, and most recently, dISIP.

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