Anna Pierre, Haitian Singer

Health care is one of Haiti's biggest problems as most Haitian are not able to afford proper health services and medications they need. That is why Haitian entertainer and health expert has made it a lifetime mission to provide proper health care services to her fellowmen and American.


Pierre was born and grew up in the city of Cap-Haitien in Haiti but migrated to Florida where she has been permanently residing ever since. She then studied at the Miami Dade Community College and became a registered nurse in 1987. While working at the Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, she was exposed to the health problems brought about by the lack of proper health education of many patients. Pierre then acquired her Master's Degree in Public at Florida International University where she was inspired in helping out communities in avoiding diseases.

By 1990, Pierre was able to establish APHEC International, Inc., also known as the Anna Pierre Health Education Center. The center started out with providing health education through radio and television. It then grew on to providing free health screenings for different illnesses such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, and diabetes. Pierre furthered her advocacy by releasing a series of educational messages about HIV in different languages. Making use of her musical talent, she has been touring around Haiti, Miami, and other U.S. states to emphasize on the significance of abstinence and making use of condoms and other contraceptives to avoid acquiring the deadly virus. Pierre also has a radio program called "Radio Nou" or "Our Radio" which focuses on health education and HIV/AIDS public service announcements.

Anna Pierre Music Video

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Read more: anna pierre, Cap-Haitian, Miami, Haitian Popular Music

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