Jude Jean Music Video

Jude Jean, the unforgettable singer of K-Dans

Jude Jean is the quintessential prince of music who earned himself the reputation of a singer who has mastered the skill of missing the train to fame-boulevard! Yes, that is true! Despite his filtered and imposing voice, this tall, charming and handsome and extremely talented signer never had an upward rising success trajectory. Jude Jean made his first appearance in 2000 in a group called K-Dans.

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The group is now defunct but it was the debut platform for Jude along with Carlo Vieux and Richard Cave who later moved to New York and formed CaRiMi. After Carlo and Richard left K-Dans, Jude Jean became the lead singer and K-Dans released a few albums with music that were unmistakably sweet. However, these albums did not really enter the hall of fame but they definitely gave Jude an international recognition.

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