Petitioners want Carnival of Flowers Discontinued

A collection of Haitian activists, including well-known artists, are petitioning the government to not hold the Carnival of Flowers (COF) on dates July 28th or 29th. The dates they say are an affront to the dignity of Haitians. July 28th signifies the date of the U.S. Occupation, which lasted 19 years. July 29th, a more ominous date, is when Dictator, François Duvalier, began using death squads, the Tonton Macoutes, to hunt down, abduct, and kill citizens, suspected of criticizing his repressive policies.


The activists want to stop COF because it does not make a profit. The money spent on COF would be better applied to holding elections, they contend. But they also equivocate, saying on the one hand, don't hold COF on these dates, but then ask for COF to be cancelled altogether. Yet they suggest the government hold the festivities privately, so as not to upset the rest of the population that mourns not only the 1915 Occupation, but also the current UN Occupation, which has also lasted 19 years.

What has the activists the most upset is Duvalier's inception of COF, a disturbing connection that has re-opened old wounds. Many Haitians have deceased family members, who were victims of the Tonton Macoutes. The activists are conflicted about COF, which they secretly would like to see happen, since it is a beautiful and joyous occasion. The U.S. is funding the elections, and it seems a date change is in order. Can the government agree or is it too late?

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