Paste Blaze - Haiti Kanaval 2016 - Nap fe tou
Here is Paste Blaze with his Haiti Kanaval 2016 - Nap fe tou
Many popular Kompa bands such as T-Vice, Djakout #1, Kreyol La, D.P. Express, Mizik Mizik, Ram, T-Micky, Carimi participate and compete in the street parades. Carnval in the capital city is a venue of grand and sophisticated affair. Many government institutions, organizations, musicians and schools host formal gala where the President of Haiti crown the Carnival King and Queen. Carnivals are also good opportunities to commemorate Haiti's revolution, tyranny, extreme poverty and unremittingly painful past of slavery.
There are several websites where you can watch 'Kanaval Haiti 2016' live online.
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