ZIN: Vee Live Performance, Alan Cave
Who would not fall in love with this type of music from Haiti. This song is one of the best ZIN: Vee Live Performance, Alan Cave La force qui tranquilise.
What a memory, the period of Zin performing for the public. This was a very good time for the Haitian music
Video Comments (7)
hello ma belle j'adore cette chanson beaucoup''ont ne vit pas c'est ma meilleur chanson je l'aime
LES larmes aux yeux maintenant autrefois je fredonnait avec maman tous les soirs .Je revis mon enfance, les beaux souvenirs de la nuit - on cadencait aux rythmes de ta voix Bravo Mireille a JENTV( merci pour cette video et cette coiffure et cette tenue innoubliale .Mes hommages jentv33 at
The video not like it so much but the song man! now that's what i call "going down memory lane" I miss my friends so much by listening to that music.
I love you
hello Mireille, comment vas-tu?en ecoutant tes chansons il ny a pas que du sang qui coule dans mes veines comme dis mr sardou et calui de Garou mais plutot la riviere de mon enfance.
thank you so much .Love you always.
This song bring back so many memories, who ever decided to share this video, thank you so much. this song has special meaning to me andd I am so glad I had a chnace to view it
Darline says she is love of this video
She remenber the good time that she usually had with Mr
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