Zenglen - 5 Etwal
This Video clip is on of the best in the Haitian Music industry. See why we love this song so much
5 Etwal is one of the best creation of the Haitian Music Band Zinglen, You guys are the best
Video Comments (4)
Richie what's up, you don't know me, I'm darling 'Iwanna tell you :you are appreciate by me and the others
I love this music, it has pizzas and rithymn and i like that in which you can move to the beat of the music.
i'm not hatian but i'm proud of the haitian culture and heritage because they're my brothers and sisters, i am originally from Puerto Rico but my son is half haitian and i want him to know were his roots are from and these kind of music he will always treasure.
merci, thankyou and gracias de corazon
Luzenda Julien aka
what sup yo i like that song cause he said that wasepte benyen tou touni epou tan wap kache lonbrit
like alot of girl they do that like my friends they always do that when i was in
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