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Mizik Mizik- Le nap fe Lanmou (Live)
Here is Mizik Mizik- Le nap fe Lanmou (Live)
Eric Charles (51), the composer, guitarist and the lead singer of MIZIK MIZIK died of cerebro-vascular stroke around 3 am on Thursday, February 25, 2016 at the Hospital Bernard Mevz in Port-au-Prince. Charles was one of the best singers of the 1990's and the founder of the Erick Charles foundation for deprived children. Eric began his musical career with SIWO group Miragoâne. Then he joined DIPI Express group, before joining MIZIK MIZIK replacing Emmanuel Oba. Mizik Mizik was the real competitor of former President Martelly's presence on compas stage as 'Sweet Micky'.
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