SWEET MICKY - KANAVAL 2016 - Ba l Bannann Nan
Here is SWEET MICKY (MICHEL MARTELLY) KANAVAL 2016 - Ba l Bannann Nan.
Carnival (also known as Kanaval in Haitian Creole) in Haiti started in the year of its declaration of independence in 1804. In the earlier times, it was originated as a pagan festival in the ancient Egypt, which was subsequently celebrated by the Greeks in honor of Dionysus, their god of wine and then the Roman Catholic Church later modified the feast of Saturnalia (festival of Saturn in December) into a festival preceding the beginning of Lent. Gradually this practice became popular and the practice spread to France, Spain, and all the Catholic countries in Europe and with the European colonial powers or where the European Catholics entered into the slave trade.
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