3jes - She's A Boy
This is a song that most men need to take notes from because it might happen to any of you. It is very disappointing to discover way after you have been falling in love to realize that that particular person was only finding himself or herself.
Don't wai until it is too late to discover that your lady was a "Flanner Female" and that she has been in a relationship with another girl.
On the other side, some men pointed out that it is not a big deal and that he can live with such a situation. These guys only recommend that he is informed of the situation. These guys would like to be part of the experience or to have the opportunity to double their pleasure
3JES - She's a boy [Official Music Video] _ SUBSCRIBE for more like: 3JES - She's a Boy. For all the latest Haiti news, Haitian music videos, Haiti Kanaval 2015, Haitian movies & film, party...
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