Carole Demesmin a Haitian-Roots Music Artist

Carole Demesmin, whose father, Mozart Demesmin, is a composer, began life in Léogâne, Haiti, but grew up in Port-au-Prince, New York, and Boston. Life was hard for her, being nearly the only black Haitian in Boston. She endured a close call with some knife-wielding thugs but emerged unharmed.


After she matriculated, she began classes at the elite Berklee School of Music, earning her degree in 1979. Returning to Haiti, she rose to prominence as an influential music artist during the 80s. At this time, a renaissance was occurring in Haitian music, a return to roots music that encouraged drawing from Haitian folklore for its essence.

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Carole joined the ranks of other Haitian folk-roots musicians such as Emeline Michel, Ansy and Yole Ledan Derose, and Cornelia Schutt.

She issued three albums in the 1980s, beginning with Carole Marould (1978), Carole Min Rara (1980), and Carole Lawouze (1987). She accomplished a first in the Haitian music industry by distributing under her own label. Other contributions Carole made to Haitian music was to educate the public through her music about Haitian culture of the past and the authenticity of Creole as a language of its own.

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During the 2000s, Carole ventured into film, portraying the character of Yvette in "Life Outside of Pearl", with co-star Jimmy Jean-Louis.

Currently she resides in Miami, but travels frequently throughout the globe to raise awareness of Haitian roots-culture, in her role as a Voodoo priestess, which she achieved after a decade of study.

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