Tabou Combo

Tabou Combo's music expresses itself with a driving, pulsating, and danceable beat. Transcending cultural barriers, they sing in Spanish, English, French, or Créole, their music a heady blend of meringue, rara, and voodoo percussion influences. The band's sound is a joyous mix of polyrhythmic instruments, piano, guitars, and a small horn section.


Tabou Combo does not restrict itself to only producing dance music. Many of the band's songs deal with current issues that concern Haiti citizens, such as corruption, prejudice, poverty, and violence. To bring attention to these issues and the consequent negative effect it produces for Haiti's reputation, the band has formed a foundation, Eat, Read and Hope. Its goal is to raise funds to provide solutions for Haiti's two most pressing social issues, education and food insufficiency.

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Read more: TABOU COMBO, Konpa Music Video

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