Magnum Band - Haiti Music Video

Showing 1 - 10 of 15 related videos:

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Dadoo Doing His Things Dadoo Doing His Things
4,981 views • 1 Comments
While I have bee traveling around the world I have not found a country with music such as Haiti. Listen to this song...
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A world without music would be ompossible. Haiti without Haitian music would be hell. This is what makes the...
Magnum Band - Verite Music Video Magnum Band - Verite Music Video
10,021 views • 4 Comments
Magnum Band - Verite Music Video - One of the top 10 Haitian bands of all time. if not top 5. Big up Dadou and Tico...
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In Africa, Haitiam Compas is popular in francophone countries. This band has traveled all over the world playing...
Magnum Band Live COMPAS Liberte Magnum Band Live COMPAS Liberte
This band helps us to continue to enjoy the heritage left by the sax and guitar player Nemours Jean Baptiste. Magnum...
Magnum band LIVE Marin 972-Martinique (Liberte) Magnum band LIVE Marin 972-Martinique (Liberte)
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