Jean Claude Guillaume Temwayaj Music video
This song "Temwayaj" was written by Jean Claude Guillaume as he was battling cancer. He was previously hospitalized, then was getting better at one point. Unfortunately, the disease cameback and ultimately took his life in June, 2016
On June 15, 2016 at 5 am at New England Sinai Hospital in Stoughton, Boston, Massachusetts, the star singer and actor Jean Claude Guillaume died after suffering for many months of colon cancer. Jean Guillaume, a bachelor, was born in La Plaine Du Nord in the northern part of Haiti on January 1st, 1965. He lost his only son who unfortunately died in a lake in Florida at the tender age of 12. He was diagnosed with colon cancer in February 2013. His health started to improve after a surgery, but his cancer returned in late 2015. His entourages were surprised by his courage when the disease hit him hard. Guillaume left many unfinished projects that he wanted to achieve.
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