Septentrional Music Video

Showing 11 - 20 of 29 related videos:

Martine Bruno and Septentrional, Siw te konin Martine Bruno and Septentrional, Siw te konin
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Men Champion an - Septentrional Day 3 Au Cap kanaval 2013 Men Champion an - Septentrional Day 3 Au Cap kanaval 2013
The great "Orchestre Septentrional" is a true institution of Haitian music. It is a master in the sound of meringues...
Septen Cheri performing Chauffeur Septen Cheri performing Chauffeur
Here is the Haitian Kompa institution. Septentrional. Orchestre Septentrional is to date, the oldest musical group in...
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Haiti is well known for its music, thanks to famous band bands such as Skah Shak, tabou Combo. The Zouk style also...
Orchestre Septentrional Orchestre Septentrional
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When you think of haitian Music, you think of Kompa, Zouk, Twoubadou, Rasin and a lot more like Orchestre...
Septentrional - Manman Septentrional - Manman
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This style of music in Haiti was born during the 1960s and 70s. Septentrional - Manman - Special Manman Septentrional
Septen Cheri LIVE Montreal March 2009 (PART 1) Septen Cheri LIVE Montreal March 2009 (PART 1)
la bible du compas, le number 1 d aiti on vous aime revient nous faire danser montreal. Septen Cheri LIVE...
Septen Cheri At Cristina Montreal PART 2 Septen Cheri At Cristina Montreal PART 2
Here is a sample of the evolution of Haitian music that started in the late 1970s. djaz serye65279 net neg yo pwop et...
Septen a Montreal au Complexe Cristina Mars 2009 Septen a Montreal au Complexe Cristina Mars 2009
Bon ti chante lontan ki ka fe nou reviv If you see a lotta shaking it s because I m dancing. I have to enjoy myself...
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Hot dyunm, this is konpa in its true beauty - Septen playing Mariana - The beauty in Haitian Music