jean claude guillaume Love Song
Here is a love song from Jean Claude Guillaume
In last December, when his health soon deteriorated in a Boston hospital, there was a rumor of his death on the social networks. The news of his death was even confirmed by John Madeus, his good friend and representative in Boston. However, on December 8, 2015, the relatives of Guillaume circulated a formal denial to the news of his death. Katie, his girlfriend who took care of him in Boston then said, he is still under treatment. A video was posted on the social networks to prove that he is still alive. On May 15, 2015, he was present at the Sun Life Stadium during the 17th Haitian Konpa Festival to promote certain products. Jean Claude Guillaume had many strings to his bow. He was a composer, singer, actor and director who made his debut musical performance in 1990. In 1993, he came to the limelight with the release of album "Confession". Guillaume also directed several films, such as, "Konfesyon", "If Fot Mwen", "Between Two Fires" and Fwi Entedi" (Part I, II and III). His other albums include: Konfesyon, Reviens, France, Cicatrices, Dis-lui, Nwèl ka bèl, M Damou Pi rèd. He immigrated to the United States (Orlando) in June 1984 and started performing as a professional singer since 1991. After spending years in the U.S, he visited Haiti in June 2015.
On December 8, 2015, following a second surgery, he talked to Jean Claude and said to give his number to the other members of the media. He said, anybody can reach him because he can communicate now even though sometimes he feels he is out of breath.
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